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12 is Better Than 6

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Detail Produk

Produk ini berupa retail code key yang dikeluarkan oleh publisher. Game ini secara standard lebih murah dari store region EU, bagi customer yang berada di Indonesia jika game lebih mahal dari store Indonesia bisa memilih opsi game via GIFT.


Platform dan Region

Produk ini bisa diaktifkan di platform steam dan region tertera di additional information dibawah. Mohon untuk dicek kembali region akun dan platform agar tidak terjadi kesalahan, semua pembelian retail code key adalah final dan tidak dapat ditukar kecuali terjadi kesalahan dari pihak distributor.


Lama Pengiriman

Produk ini bisa mister dapatkan maksimal 24 jam dari pembayaran di jam aktif, rata-rata pengiriman dibawah 90 menit.


Cara Aktivasi

Untuk cara aktivasi code key bisa klik link ini




New DLC Available

Hola, amigos!

The expansion on the main story of “12 Is Better Than 6” is right around the corner!

Meet 3 new characters with their own story campaigns and different gameplay:

New mechanics:

  • Horse chase – this is what Westerns are supposed to have, right? Actual horse chase in a desert!
  • River rafting – you appear on a raft in the middle of a river, what would you do? Shoot and pray to gods, of course!
  • Rob two trains, because one is never enough.

New enemies:

  • Berserk – a barrage of bullets and contempt for his own death. No one’s joking around in Mexico!
  • Dynamite-equipped Foes – fences and fallen tables are not the safe protection they used to be.

Don’t forget to add 12 is Better Than 6: The Apostles to your Wishlist!

About the Game

It is 1873. An escaped slave is slowly walking through the desert, making his way from Mexico to Texas. He keeps a revolver close and is wearing the sombrero stolen from a dead man.

Key Features:

  • Deadly gunfights
    You’ll need to cock the revolver with one trigger before being able to shoot by pressing another trigger. One false move and you’ll be overrun in an instant.
  • Authentic weapons
    Winchesters, double-barreled guns, revolvers and Gatling guns will gladly help you to destroy all of the gringos. By the way, we have a RAT with dynamite
  • An enthralling story
    Live through the journey of an escaped Mexican prisoner fighting for survival and freedom in the 1870’s in the United States
  • Choose your style
    You can choose to take a more stealthy approach to surprise your enemies, or even just sneak straight past them
  • A splendid art style
    The game is drawn by hand with pen and paper to create an interesting visual experience
  • Setting
    Real places and towns, the spirit of the desert and the most desperate bandidos of the district will help you to plunge into the breathing and cruel world of the Wild West
  • Upgrades
    You’ll find breastplates that will have a 50% chance to deflect some bullets, a fast recharging skill that will allow the hero to insert 2 bullets at once, extreme accuracy (less spread for your shots), being able to kill an enemy in stealth without attracting the unwanted attention of his friends, and more!
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