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Home » Produk Battlefield 3: Aftermath

Battlefield 3: Aftermath

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Detail Produk

Produk ini berupa retail code key yang dikeluarkan oleh publisher. Game ini secara standard lebih murah dari store region EU, bagi customer yang berada di Indonesia jika game lebih mahal dari store Indonesia bisa memilih opsi game via GIFT.


Platform dan Region

Produk ini bisa diaktifkan di platform Origin dan region tertera di additional information dibawah. Mohon untuk dicek kembali region akun dan platform agar tidak terjadi kesalahan, semua pembelian retail code key adalah final dan tidak dapat ditukar kecuali terjadi kesalahan dari pihak distributor.


Lama Pengiriman

Produk ini bisa mister dapatkan maksimal 24 jam dari pembayaran di jam aktif, rata-rata pengiriman dibawah 90 menit.


Cara Aktivasi

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Set amongst the shattered districts, streets and surrounding villages of a post-earthquake Tehran, Battlefield 3: Aftermath depicts a continuing struggle for supremacy and survival amongst the devastation.

With operational capacity severely compromised the opposing forces must adapt and engage in vertical and horizontal urban combat amongst the dust and rubble with cracks and fissures in the terrain providing unexpected cover and paths to objectives. Additional support comes in the form of heavily modified troop transports and civilian vehicles specially adapted to deliver deadly force to the enemy.

  • Deliver death in silence with the all new crossbow
  • Four new maps including Epicenter and Markaz Market that introduces a fresh, destructive take on urban combat
  • Three new vehicles modified to showcase ingenuity and firepower
  • New Scavenger game mode, an objective based Conquest mode where lost soldiers armed only with a pistol must search the environment to find more powerful weapons and increasing their chance for survival
  • New assignments, achievements and dog tags

Additional Information




