Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand Expansion PackAfter purchase, to enjoy the Back to Karkand Expansion Pack download the latest Battlefield 3 update from Origin and launch the game.Its time to go Back to Karkand with the first expansion pack to DICEs award-winning Battlefield 3. Utilizing thepower of Frostbite 2, the Back to Karkand Expansion Pack re-masters four of the greatest Battlefield maps withenhanced levels of destruction: Strike at Karkand, Wake Island, Gulf of Oman, and Sharqi Peninsula.In addition, Back to Karkand includes five new dog tags, five new achievements/trophies on console, three vehiclesfrom Battlefield 2 (the desert buggy, the STOVL fighter jet, and an APC), 10 iconic Battlefield 2 weapons you canbring back to the base game, and an added layer of persistence where players complete Assignments to earn theirrewards.KEY FEATURESBattlefield 3: Back to Karkand Expansion Pack Play on four legendary Battlefield 2 maps boldly reimagined in the Frostbite 2 engine Take control of the new APC, desert buggy and STOVL fighter jet Extend your arsenal with ten new weapons you can bring back to the base game Engage in classic Conquest Assault famous from Battlefield 2 Complete all-new Assignments to unlock weapons and unique dog tagsIf you already own Battlefield 3 Limited Edition, you already own Back to Karkand.
Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand
Detail Produk
Produk ini berupa retail code key yang dikeluarkan oleh publisher. Game ini secara standard lebih murah dari store region EU, bagi customer yang berada di Indonesia jika game lebih mahal dari store Indonesia bisa memilih opsi game via GIFT.
Platform dan Region
Produk ini bisa diaktifkan di platform Origin dan region tertera di additional information dibawah. Mohon untuk dicek kembali region akun dan platform agar tidak terjadi kesalahan, semua pembelian retail code key adalah final dan tidak dapat ditukar kecuali terjadi kesalahan dari pihak distributor.
Lama Pengiriman
Produk ini bisa mister dapatkan maksimal 24 jam dari pembayaran di jam aktif, rata-rata pengiriman dibawah 90 menit.
Cara Aktivasi
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Additional Information
language | Multilanguage |
platform | Origin |
region | WORLDWIDE |