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Home » Produk Dementium II HD

Dementium II HD

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Detail Produk

Produk ini berupa retail code key yang dikeluarkan oleh publisher. Game ini secara standard lebih murah dari store region EU, bagi customer yang berada di Indonesia jika game lebih mahal dari store Indonesia bisa memilih opsi game via GIFT.


Platform dan Region

Produk ini bisa diaktifkan di platform steam dan region tertera di additional information dibawah. Mohon untuk dicek kembali region akun dan platform agar tidak terjadi kesalahan, semua pembelian retail code key adalah final dan tidak dapat ditukar kecuali terjadi kesalahan dari pihak distributor.


Lama Pengiriman

Produk ini bisa mister dapatkan maksimal 24 jam dari pembayaran di jam aktif, rata-rata pengiriman dibawah 90 menit.


Cara Aktivasi

Untuk cara aktivasi code key bisa klik link ini



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About the Game

The visage of doctors and patients alike fade in and out of these nightmarish visions of tortured memories. This eggshell reality is fractured by experiments conducted in the ward. Blood, flesh and screams surround as you put together the pieces of your story and make your escape from the Bright Dawn Treatment Center while the dark doctor watches on in amusement. You are William Redmoor and your life is about to become a living hell.

Dementium II HD is the resurrection of the award winning handheld cult favorite rebuilt with all the classic gameplay while providing updated visuals, lighting and refined controls. Same Bones. New Flesh.

  • Classic gameplay that balances the Action, Story and Puzzle elements into an unforgettable horror experience.
  • Fight through unique enemies that require different strategies to defeat the nightmares, or to simply survive
  • Twisted storyline that keeps you guessing throughout the entire game.
  • Multifunctional weapons that take out the enemies and grant access to new areas.
  • New ghostly creatures haunt Pelf Village that will chill you to the bone.
  • Steam achievements, Cloud Save and Controller support
  • </ul

Additional Information




